22 August 2009

First time shooting a gun...

Am writing this about an hour after getting back from Knight's Shooting Range. Went to the range with Dennis because he thought I should shoot a gun before actually heading off to Basic Training. After going to the range, would have to say I absolutely agree with his thinking. We rented a Glock 19 9mm handgun and got 2 boxes of bullets, eye and ear protection and two body silhouettes. Dennis started me out at 10 feet and did pretty okay for my first time shooting ever. Only problems were twice I started to turn to talk to him with it being a live gun which is a BIG no-no. After those two times learned that hey set the gun down, pull the magazine out and than turn around. Another thing I had a problem with was leaving the empty magazine in, and trying to shoot and aim with my left eye closed. After opening my left eye it looked like it wasn't aligned and made it seem like I was crossed eyed. I also had to concentrate on standing with one foot slightly in front of another. There was a guy that worked at the range who helped me try and not anticipate the kickback because I was pulling down at the last second. So I had to pull the trigger slowly to not get the pulling down. It was an interesting experience, and should help out when I go to Basic Training and have to shoot an M16.

Ohh forget to write this but will tell about the Green Day concert that I attended. Amber, Angelina and I all worked the Set-Up for the concert. We had to tape some things down after the chair strike so we ended up clocking out late because of it. We decided to tell our Manager so he would know and when we went in he asked if we needed tickets for the show that night. We were all like yeah. So we each got two free tickets. Ended up being Amber, Leilani, Angelina with her two sons, and I who went. We got their about 20 minutes before Green Day came out. Let me tell ya, thought the show was awesome. The lead singer, Billy Armstrong, tried and I believe succeeded in crowd participation. He had little kids, teenagers, and adults come on stage. The drummer Trey Cool was awesome too, after every song he would throw his drum sticks behind him. Than at the end of the concert he ran across the stage throwing them into the audience. Knew about 50% of their songs just from radio play. Was a little disappointed they didn't play Nice Guys Finish Last. Overall thought it was pretty wicked.

Also worked set-up for Demi Lovato (Aug. 14th) and got to see David Archuleta walking in when we were heading to the time clock. He looked so small. On Tuesday (Aug. 18th) got to see the Jonas Brother sound check which was kind of funny because they only sang two songs and answered about 4 questions. They walked right by us when we were numbering the chairs and they were headed on stage for the sound check. Don't really know what the big deal about them is, because they didn't sound good during the sound check. But I guess to each his own. That is why we are all given our own opinions.

Well am heading to the library now to pick up a book but just wanted to write about shooting a gun for the first time before I forget about it.