07 September 2009

Happenings of last 5 Days

Hey did a little better this time, only have to write about 5 days worth of happenings.

Thursday was kind of interesting, work didn't really go fast or slow. It was sort of a bummer because our manager, Mike, it was his last conversion. Mike is a great manager, he tells it like it is and listens when you have problems. (I was suppose to be written up once for going off on a Supervisor, but after Mike heard the reason why I went off on the supervisor he told me he just threw the write up in the trash.) Debra decided to get a cake for him, so at our 2 p.m. break we all headed to the XO Club and they called Mike in. It was hilarious because Mellow had the cake and kept walking around this pillar, and Mike went around too. Mike got scared and jumped back when Mellow jumped out and yelled boo. Even better is that Amber got it on tape. Went home at 3:30 p.m. because we had nothing left to do. Oh I was proud of myself because I didn't have any of the cake at work but then went and ruined it by having a piece of cake, a cookie and some ice cream at home. I have issues when it comes to sweets.

At night went to a drum circle at Gasoline Alley which is a bar. It was ok, not as enjoyable as the drum circle on the beach. The one on the beach is kind of out in the nature, plus there is more room for people because it is not confined in doors. It was good fun though watching people. It ended up being Phil, Dennis, Karen and I. Left a little early to head to Walmart to pick up some oil and coolant for my van.

On Friday (9/4/2009) drove over to Amber's and picked her up and we headed to Brandon. Yeah we got there after it had ended but we did get to see Prospal!! He was already to his car but it was good at least seeing him and getting to wave hi at him. Prospal is a pimp. He would actually say hi to people when he sees them walking around in the "backstage" area (aka our work area). And not to mention his crazy @$$ excited celebrations when he would score a goal, its like he just won the lottery. We then headed to the mall. At Books a Million Amber spotted the Michael Jackson magazine I had been looking for. (It is a commemorative edition with just pictures of him and quotes.) Also bought The Abs Diet for Women, yeah had been looking to buy that book for about 6 months. After the mall we went to Green Berry which is a yogurt place where you pick what flavor yogurt you want and then put the toppings you want also. Let me tell you, that was some yummy yogurt, probably will end up going there again before shipping out.

We then headed back to Amber's where we met up with Katie. Katie than drove us to Amber's bank, and than we ate at Tia's. I over ate like usual. After Tia's we headed to Borders, I didn't allow myself to really look at the books because I would have wanted to buy more books. Headed back to Amber's, watched some YouTube video's than Katie left. Amber and I than watched the movie Fanboys. The movie sounded kind of dorkie (I'm not a Star Wars fan) but it was truly a good movie, really liked the jokes/ personality of the heavy set friend. Also liked that in the end the two friends that hadn't talked in 3 years ended up getting back along.

After the movie headed to the church dance. Ended up getting there around 9:40 p.m. which was way too early, usually get there around 10:30 p.m.. So I went into the Relief Society room and read the MJ magazine I had got earlier in the day. The dance was a bit weird, I ended up making 3 guys feel bad. First one happened when I was sitting next to Jackie and Sabra and they both got asked to dance so I was sitting by myself. A guy came up and asked if I wanted to dance, I said no thanks you can ask someone else. Well he asked another lady and she said no the song is half over, and I thought man this guy just had two ladies say no for the same song. So I walked up and said lets go. While dancing with him realize he is a bit slow, which made me just feel even worse. Next slow song to come along Brandon asked me and I really didn't want to (I don't like dancing, I'm not good at it), but got dragged out there. Well he didn't do a normal slow dance, he did more like ball room dancing, spinning and trying to dip me. Half way thru the song I just walked away. So that was number 2. Number three happened when a guy asked me to dance and I did it. Well he wasn't asking any questions so it was an awkward silence, so I stated that, ended up having to ask him questions. Also stated to him that I don't dance and don't like to dance. Later on in the dance he came up to me and said I saw you dancing, which I was dancing to the Cupid Shuffle, which doesn't count because they tell you the steps to do.
Oh there was also DRAMA at the dance. Nikki and Gigi brought their friend to the dance, he about two years ago had been asked not to go to the Singles Ward. Someone approached the person in charged and told them this and the guy came up and asked their friend to leave because he is 34 and Singles Ward is for 18-30. Nikki and Gigi weren't too happy about this because there were two other people over 30. It was not right for them to say it was because of age, the man did mention had been asked not to come back. I would have agreed with them if they said that, but saying it is because of age wasn't right.
Started to say bye to people, when I went into a doorway to say bye to Eva and Katrina. When I turned to leave I got scared crapless. A guy was right behind me and yelled boo. Told him it wasn't right because I don't even know him, he than introduced himself. Drove home because had to go to work in about 6 hours.

Saturday (9/5/2009) at work it was so slow that we did chair set at 9 a.m. and ended up going home at Noon. Headed to Amber's and hung out for about an hour. Left so she could finish getting ready for Vancouver. Came home and did Lesson 29, which was for Alma 36-39. This part was helpful because it was talking about following our parents advice, which hit home. I should listen to my mother more and follow the advice she gives because she has already experienced things in life that I haven't. Then watched Adventure Land, which was also a good movie. Liked this movie because some times we make mistakes and F up, but the guy didn't let that stop him from going after what he loved.

Yesterday (Sunday, 9/6/2009) went to both the St. Pete Family Ward and the Tampa 3rd Young Single Adult Ward so it was kind of long (from 10 a.m. till 4 p.m., plus Break the Fast). At the Family Ward saw Ashley and Ray walk in, so tapped Ashley and she sat next to me. She mentioned she felt like she had ADD, and I mentioned it was obvious because she hadn't stopped talking since she came in, which got her to be a little quite. Than taught the teenagers because Sabra had asked me last week to teach. There was only 4 students but man were they rowdy. Got them to actually do the activity by offering them Reese's Cup if they actually answered the questions that were on the paper (asking them what was the best advice/counsel their parent's had given them and why it was the best advice/counsel they had received).
Ashely, Ray and I than headed to Tampa 3rd. I ended up getting up and giving my testimony, was nervous like always and didn't end up saying all that I wanted to. Really helped to hear some of the other testimonies though (one that touched me was Stevie P's about the hard time he had after his brother died but that it has made him stronger).
Went to part of Sunday school before talking with Eva in the hall way about some things, than it was time for Relief Society. I really didn't want to go but am glad I did, class reminded me that we don't have to live up to the world's standards but just remember God loves us for who we are, not what we look or dress like.

Today went to the gym at 11 a.m. and man oh man was it packed. Did just 4 machines before doing some sit-ups, which I did 80 in 2 minutes. That is a 100 on the APFT, so I really just need to concentrate these next 3 weeks on push-ups and running. Came home and went to Sonic and the park with Mom and Sam. At Sonic had a Strawberry Cream Pie Shake which also isn't good for me and didn't really need. Than watched the movie In Burgess which was kind of strange but I liked the heavy set man again, who saw that is partner felt sorry for what he didn't and didn't' judge him for it.

It seems that lately I have been thinking more about things, especially in the past week. And I am concerned about some of those things. I am concerned about some of my friends. Some I am concerned about because of how engrossed they are with worldly things. The priorities they have sometimes disappoint me.

I am concerned about someone else due to the person's wavering faith.

Also am concerned because two people thought it was funny that they caused drama and didn't even think that the actions they take have consequences that don't' just affect them but others.

Lastly I am concerned that some people today are just rude and users. It truly is simple to say Excuse Me, it works a lot better than just trying to push by. When someone says Excuse Me you don't just sit there, you usually try to move out of the way a little for them.

I know it is not in my place to judge, but I don't think I can actually say anything to these people I am concerned about because of the tone in my voice. I don't mean to sound the way I do, but often times when I try to talk to people it comes across harsh. Something I need to work on.

Well I am going to go now and get ready to go jogging.