02 September 2009

Mississippi, Grace Land and Mom's Birthday

I am really bad at writing but know the more and more I put writing off about what has happened the more I forget. So here I am trying to write about the last 10 days.

Back two Sundays ago (8/23/09) I headed to T3 for church than afterwards went to Amber's house. When I walked in she said I looked like I came from Little House on the Prairie because of my shirt. Hung out there until it was time to go pick up Angelina, go get the rental car than go pick up Leilani. The rental car turned out being a 2009 Dodge Avenger which was a nice car besides the fact that on each side there are HUGE blind spots. After picking up Leilani we were headed over to Dunedin to see Bobby Long when we got into a car accident. It was our fault, but luckily no one was hurt. Make sure if you get an in accident that you don't get in one where the police don't know whose jurisdiction the road actually is. We got in the accident around 8 p.m. and called it in (we hit a Judge driving a BMW), the first officer (Hillsborough Sheriff) didn't arrive until around 8:50 p.m.. He started asking us questions when another officer (Tampa PD) came up and took over and started filling out the paperwork. Finally a third officer came (Florida Highway Patrol) came and ended up being the officer to stay and do the paper work. This officer was actually nice, he ended up talking to us for about 10 minutes after the judge we hit left, unfortunately he had to give Amber a ticket. We didn't leave the scene of the accident until around 10:15 p.m.. We still headed to Dunedin to try and see Bobby Long but he had already finished playing by the time we got there. Fortunately though he came out to talk to people and Amber and I got to talk to him and get a picture. Come to find out he was going to be playing at the same place that upcoming Thursday. We headed back over to Tampa to drop Angelina off and say bye to Katie. Finished packing everything for Mississippi and headed on the road around 1:30 a.m. our time.

Amber was the first to drive and she drove until about Georgia. Than I drove, which was kind of eh because it was back roads and the speed limit kept changing. Drove until we were in Alabama. Finally, Leilani took over. We arrived in Corinth around 1:30 p.m.. We drove around and until around 5 p.m. and than went back to Ricky's. Let me tell you, they have the BEST snow cones in Corinth, with amazing ice and plenty of juice flavor. Ricky wasn't home yet so we were just sitting on the porch when we headed over Gene's. That woman is absolutely hilarious. Ricky called her so we headed over to his place where we would be staying for the next few days. For dinner we went to Ryan's and like always since it was a buffet I over ate.

On Tuesday (8/25/09) we went to Grace Land. I felt stupid because I didn't know that there was an Elvis Presley Boulevard and that Elvis' house was on that street. I really enjoyed Grace Land and getting to see Elvis' house, his resting place, his cars, his plane, his jet and the information about his time in the Army. He had this purple Cadillac which was just a beauty. We went to the mall in Memphis and Kinko's than headed back to Corinth. We got lost on the way back because of Leilani's phone application going to the wrong city. Oh well we made it back which all that counts.

Wednesday was so much fun. We drove around some more, went in the wooods and than drove the four wheeler. That was such a blast. I felt like a little kid. It was also funny to hear Leilani screaming at Amber to stop. After four wheelin we went to get some dinner and another snow cone, than said our good bye to Gene, Scott, Ricky and Marsha before we headed out. We left at 10:30 p.m.. Oh almost forgot, Leilani fell in love with Gene's dog Lo and I fell in love with Ricky's wolf Storm.

Thursday (8/27) -On our way back home Amber was the first to drive again, than Leilani and than I drove. When I was driving Leilani told me she was feeling sick and I might need to stop. About 15 minutes later she told me to stop and she ended up emptying out her stomach on the side of 1-75. Felt bad for her because she said she couldn't breathe because she had vomit stuck in her nose at one point. Lesson learned: don't eat gas station hot dogs. While driving, about two hours away from Tampa I got pulled over for not obeying the Move Over law. Fortuntaely I only got a warning. Leilani and I think it was because we looked busted from not having taking showers or brushed our teeth. We arrived back in Tampa around 10:30 a.m.. Said bye to Amber and Leilani and than headed home so that I could talk to Mom, get a shower and take a nap. Meet up with Amber, Leilani, Angelina and Katie at the Dunedin Brewery to see Bobby Long. That man is a good musician and adorable. He is British so has an accent which helps him out in the cute category. Liked him so much bought his c.d. and a t-shirt and went and said hi to him. After the concert we went and ate at Denny's. Really need to not eat when not hungry, although had a good time.

Friday (8/28/09) went to work and don't think anything really uneventful happened.

Saturday (8/29/09) went to work and it was kind of fun because the ice had been put back in while we were gone. Was setting up for Ice Fest. Got to watch some of the Tampa PD and Malone and Smitty practice. It was a really easy day which I feel bad for because I really didn't have to work that hard.

Sunday went to church and learned about the importance of Visiting Teaching. Learned about making small steps to improving.

Monday (8/31/09) went walking at 7 a.m. with Mom, had my back pack with 20 lbs of weights in it. Watched Full Metal Jacket and Duplicity with Mom. Also went to Blockbuster and bought Twilight, Slumdog Millionaire and Role Models. At night went to the gym, trying to work out a little harder for preparation for Basic Training.

Yesterday (9/1/09) was Mom's 67th birthday so made her a cake, cookies and bought some ice cream. Also watched Taking Chance with her. This movie was touching. It is about a Colonel that volunteers to escort a Private First Class from his hometown home. Went to Institute and learned about desire and record keeping. Learned that I must have the desire... desire to change, desire to do better, desire to have faith, desire to succeed. It all starts with desire. Also learned about the importance of record keeping. If it weren't for record keeping we can't learn from our own mistakes or others.

Today I tried to clean my room a little, went to Pete and Shorty's with Mom, and am now going to head to the gym. So later.